indirect labour

indirect labour
вир., бухг. непрямі витрати робочої сили; непрямі витрати праці; уречевлена праця
праця, яка безпосередньо не пов'язана з процесом виготовлення продукту (product); ♦ до непрямих витрат праці відносять послуги, які підтримують виробничий процес (support service), напр. відділів технічного контролю, матеріально-технічного постачання, охорони праці тощо
to calculate indirect labour підраховувати/підрахувати непрямі витрати праці; to cover indirect labour покривати/покрити непрямі витрати праці; to meet indirect labour costs оплачувати/оплатити непрямі витрати на робочу силу • покривати/покрити непрямі витрати на робочу силу; to pay for indirect labour оплачувати/оплатити непрямі витрати на робочу силу; to work out indirect labour обраховувати/обрахувати непрямі витрати праці
indirect labour ‡ manufacturing overheads (388)

The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. . 2002.

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Смотреть что такое "indirect labour" в других словарях:

  • indirect labour — ➔ labour * * * indirect labour UK US (US indirect labor) noun [U] ► ACCOUNTING the workers who are not directly involved in producing goods or supplying services, or the cost of paying those workers: »Indirect labour includes all labour not… …   Financial and business terms

  • indirect labour — 1) Employees of a contractor who carry out work for another organization. This organization employs the contractor to supply the labour for a particular task. For example, some councils use a contractor, and indirect labour, to collect refuse. 2) …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • indirect labour — Personnel not directly engaged in the production of a product or cost unit manufactured by an organization. Examples of indirect labour include maintenance personnel, cleaning staff, and senior supervisors, such as foremen. Compare: direct labour …   Accounting dictionary

  • indirect labour cost — The wages, bonuses, and other remuneration paid to indirect labour …   Accounting dictionary

  • indirect labour costs — /ˌɪndaɪrekt leɪbə kɒsts/ plural noun the cost of paying employees not directly involved in making a product such as cleaners or canteen staff. Such costs cannot be allocated to a cost centre …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • indirect labour costs — /ˌɪndaɪrekt leɪbə kɒsts/ plural noun the cost of paying employees not directly involved in making a product such as cleaners or canteen staff. Such costs cannot be allocated to a cost centre …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • labour — la‧bour [ˈleɪbə ǁ ər] , labor noun [uncountable] 1. work involving a lot of physical or mental effort: • The garage charges £65 an hour for labour. • those involved in repetitive, unskilled manual labour (= work that involves using your …   Financial and business terms

  • labour costs — wages costs Expenditure on wages paid to those operators who are both directly and indirectly concerned with the production of the product, service, or cost unit. See also: direct labour cost, indirect labour cost …   Accounting dictionary

  • Indirect rule — is a type of European colonial policy in which the traditional local power structure, or at least part of it, is incorporated into the colonial administrative structure. It was practiced in large parts of the British Empire, especially British… …   Wikipedia

  • Indirect costs — are costs that are not directly accountable to a cost object (such as a particular function or product). Indirect costs may be either fixed or variable. Indirect costs include taxes, administration, personnel and security costs, and are also… …   Wikipedia

  • Labour — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Labour (homonymie). Labour traditionnel en Allemagne, plus superficiel qu au tracteur, plus lent, mais bien moins tassant et asphyxiant pour le sol profond En …   Wikipédia en Français

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